Trance Enchantments Part 2

Trance Healing Development with International Trance Teacher - Helen Davita. A step by step guided approach to trance healing

An incredible way to Heal

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There Is Never A Better Time Than NOW! Give yourself the present the world needs more of.... HEALING

Theory and exercises to assist you in your development of trance healing. Helen Davita guides you through a variety of techniques to assist your unfoldment as a  Trance Healer ARE YOU READY NOW?

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Teacher: Helen DaVita

A teacher, mentor, writer and international speaker. She is recognised as a Spiritual Development Teacher to the spiritual community worldwide, inspired through her own experiences, she has developed a teaching style which encourages the development of the student to the next level. Helen is a former teacher and course organiser of the Arthur Findlay College. Her workshops have been hosted in many venues across the UK, Europe, Africa, Asia, USA, and Australia. Helen is qualified to teach the teacher and has spent several years developing enriching programmes of online learning. She is an approved training provider for the IICT

Introducing Helen DaVita
helen davita background stepping stone

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